Refinement of SuiteCRM

Software development SuiteCRM

When the basic functionality of CRM is not enough, and making an individual CRM system to order is expensive, CRM Studio offers services to finalize the SuiteCRM system. In the process of customization, the missing options are finalized, specific software packages or functionalities are refined, configured and optimized.
In what cases may there be a need for improvements?

1. You do not want to adapt to a ready-made solution, but want the solution to adapt to you. In this case, you need to order a service to finalize the boxed solution Suite CRM, which will be developed exclusively for your business processes;

2. You like the CRM system you use, but lack the tools for analytics;

3. You have an expansion of business lines and the system requires additional functional blocks to account for and process all data.

The solution offered by CRM Studio:

involve professional developers of the SuiteCRM system, analyze your request, come up with and finalize a solution that is convenient for you.

CRM system is a voluminous software product with a huge set of entities and deep logical relationships between them, which has an even greater set of algorithms and conditions with the help of which data is processed. As a result of the CRM system, hundreds of thousands or even millions of records are created daily in the database, which, in turn, consists of several hundred tables logically interconnected.

If one or more conditions in the system changes, this affects a huge number of other conditions and algorithms associated with the changing logic of the program, as well as the data that has already been entered into the system, because. they were entered according to other rules. When conditions change, these millions of data need to be adapted to the new conditions of life. After making changes, you need to check the performance of the entire system from scratch.

Basic services for finalizing the Suite CRM system: 

• revision of tables;

• adding fields;

• adding and configuring users;

• refinement of the API;

• data import into CRM;

• changing the names of blocks, fields, modules, buttons;

• mail settings;

• revision of instructions;

• improvement of the functionality of existing modules;

• integration with the site;

• integration with 1C;

• integration with IP-telephony;

• integration with the user portal;

• integration with messengers;

• integration with e-mail;

• writing additional modules.

CRM Studio, as a result of processing your request for improvements, will provide you with a list of alternative solutions using existing functions or programmatically customized entities. You will receive a qualitatively modified product without loss of existing data and with the possibility of further technical support by our company's specialists.


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